Monday, August 16, 2010

6 months and 7 Things That Make Me Smile Part 2

Tuesday marked the half way mark to Lottie’s 1st Birthday.

The morning after her speedy entry into the world

Doing her best Steve Irwin impersonation

I’m not quite sure how that should make me feel, but I must admit that a part of me is quite sad about it. The days are going so fast that they are blurring by and I don’t feel like I have quite managed to capture the whole 6 months in memories. But the little details of day to day life that we may have let slip by have been more than made up for with love, kisses and cuddles. And when I think about those, I wonder how it can be that she has only been with us for 6 months. She has just slipped into her role as our Little Lot and Willow’s Little Sister as if it was always meant to be. And as much as I love watching the two sisters together, I cherish the time I spend breastfeeding her when I don’t have to share her with anyone.

And while Lottie is having her nap, and Willow is practicing her dancing to the Wiggles, I find a quick moment to jump on the computer to play with some designs for Lo & Lot Creations. And while the process is far from as fast as I would like it to be (because sometimes naps are just a little to quick and sometimes because I need a little dancing practice too) I have been able to complete a few orders and add some new themes to the collection.

Babushka Bonanza Baby Shower Invitation

Little Gnome Girl Name Print

Frolic in the Forest Baby Invitation

And as mentioned in the title of my post, here are the 7 things (of many) that have made me smile since my last post…

1. This Photo of Willow

We had a Mumma and Willow day in town, complete with lunch and icecream.

2. Winning Bracknell’s Got Talent

We had a Bracknell’s got Talent function for the Football Club, and us girls did the “Cell Block Tango” as our act. We had so many funny moments rehearsing and I wouldn’t want to be a Chicken in Mel’s house, but the best part was beating the boys who really thought that they had it in the bag.

3. Having Mat home for a Week

Mat took a week of holidays and instead of going away anywhere we had a week at home with trips to the aquatic centre (Willow is no longer scared of the dreaded bucket) and the park thrown in. We (he) did some odd jobs around the house and it was great having him here to look after the girls while I had some “me” time. We’re going to miss him this week!

4. Stalking other Blogs

I have a growing list of Blogs that I love! Lots of design and party blogs for inspiration make up the bulk of my list, but by far my favourite Blog is ‘Enjoying the Small Things’ by Kelle Hampton. She is so amazingly positive in everything she does and has a writing style that sucks me in totally. Read it!

5. My Lo & Lot Facebook page reaching 200 likers

6. Willow Sleeping

I can finally join the chorus of those proud parents who rightfully brag (yes Nicole I mean you) about their babies being fantastic sleepers and sleeping though the night…Only my baby is 2 years old. It may have taken her longer than others to get there , but after 2 whole years of her waking (and therefore us waking) numerous times during the night and needing to be rocked to sleep, then laid with to go to sleep, then sat with to go to sleep, we have reached a point where we can go through our good night ritual, close the door and have her go to sleep and stay asleep. All with NO TEARS! No crying has been my sleep philosophy all along and I am very glad to say that it has eventually paid off.

7. My Nin

It was my Nin’s (Mums Mum) 78th birthday on Friday, and she is by far the most vibrant 78 year old. She is more generous than anybody I know and is caring and full of love. On Saturday night she looked after the girls for me while I went to the Best and Fairest Count at the football club, and I love that she can spend special time with Willow & Lottie.

And finally, graphics in the Little Gnome Girl Print were purchased from Lilly Bimble and Frolic in the Forest graphics purchased from Cocoa Studio.  They both have too many gorgeous sets!

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