Friday, May 27, 2011

My little Lottie is One.  She has been for a while now.  I imagined I would write a post about her first year where words were able to flow freely and naturaly about the way she thoughtfully potters around the house, her little gruff voice and the way that when she cuddles me I literally stop breathing in order to not disrupt the moment, but nothing has ever been more difficult.  And now 3 months has past and she has changed again.  Willow say's "Lottie is getting a bigger girl now" because she can see it too.  She is still my little petite one, but the Big Sister, Little Sister gap is shrinking, and watching them together makes my heart grow.  They twirl together, they sit together, they share together and they laugh together and I watch quietly because it really is the most glorious thing in the world.  I watch and I thank the Unvierse that I was able to give them each other.  I could live on that feeling alone.  When Lot smiles, she smiles with all of her heart so that her little face crinkles.  She thinks that words are for other kids, but knows enough animal noises to fill a farm and half a jungle and a pointer finger that gets her everything she wants.  She is beautiful.

Lottie on her 1st Birthday

We had a party with sweet pastel colours and hot air balloons to represent her little wandering arounds, and we celebrated with the people who love her the most.  It seems too long ago to post all of the pictures, but you can see them here on the Lo & Lot Creations' Facebook page.  Thanks again Liv for the gorgeous sweet treats!

It really was a long time ago.  Busy months have been filled with a good mix of the extraordinary and the inbetween days, too many things to mention.  A whole season has passed.  Autumn.  Falling leaves have never been so much fun.  Nothing is as much fun though as it is when you experience it with little souls.  And the cycle of seasons and new beginings continues, no more amazing new begining than a new little baby.  Congratulations to Mat, Rach and Sebby on the birth of Safina Maebella, another beautiful little cousin and friend for my girls.

And speaking of new beginings, the one year anniversary for Lo & Lot Creations is fast approaching, and there are some changes in the air.  I can't wait to share them soon.  It really won't take another whole season.  I promise.
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