Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Take 2 of this thing called blogging...

Well in typical Kisha style I have started everything and finished nothing on my never ending to do list, hence the neglect of this blog. But I do intend on posting a little more often from now on, starting from tonight. Starting from tonight because today has been a lazy not putting a foot out the front door day with my girls, and I have finally had a few moments to sit down with a cup of “earl” and some leftover “Owl Cake” and catch my thoughts. Because, wowsers, what a busy couple of days (…weeks, months…) Good busy days filled with family, friends and food. Starting with Friday night when I bribed the Graham family with dinner so that I could have some one on one time with computer extraordinaire Markus, setting me up with all I need to know (and forget) on how to create the Lo & Lot Creations website. Another thing on my to do list started and very far from finished! But it will be and I am looking forward to putting the stuff I have been working on out there. Willow had a great time playing with Zane and dancing with Jade, as Lottie looked on. I love watching her play with other kids!

Saturday was a day at home with just Lottie, as Mat took Willow to the football with him so that I could have a day baking. And with only one egg smashed on the floor by the end of the day, I was most impressed with my efforts!

My parents held a Christmas in July lunch on Sunday, complete with carols decorations and the friends that would usually spend Christmas with their own families. And way too much food. The day continued into the night as it always does for things like this, and in lieu of the wine that I still can’t drink (feeding Lottie) I ate way too many chocolate truffles (but probably could have gotten away with the wine instead considering the amount of liqueurs that were in them). Making those truffles one day has definitely been added to my never ending to do list!

And instead of being able to come home to relax like a normal Christmas day, we came home to a cake and cupcakes that needed to be decorated, lolly bags to be filled, banner to be hung and presents to be wrapped….for Willow’s 2nd Birthday!
Man, I could go on with all of the clichés about how it only feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago that she was born, but all I will say is that I have loved more in the last two years that ever before. I love everything about Miss Willow and the way she loves me in return.

The day started slowly, with the birthday girl not rising until after 9 after her big day the day before, but with her “friends party” kicking off at 10.30, things soon turned into a rush of opening presents, preparing food, practicing saying “Thankyou” (although when it came time people were lucky to get a “ta”) and doing a last minute tidy up (which I knew was going to be pointless but did anyway). The party went by in a whirl squealing contests, balls kicked up and down the hallway next to the room where Lottie miraculously slept, dashes to the food table (except for Willow who spent a long stint there) and lots of tired little toddlers rubbing their eyes by the end.

With “friends party” over, we were left with some time to have a play with the new toys before the start of the “family party” that night, and the cutting of the “Owl Cake” (which was one of the first things she asked for when she woke in the morning). Gosh she got a lot of presents, and they are still sitting on display now as I type, ready for the in with the new, out with the old sorting of the toy boxes.
And to make this post relevant to Lo & Lot Creations, here are some pics of the things I made for Willow’s “Owl Party”!

Cupcake toppers


Lolly bag toppers

Banner, invitation, lolly bag, cupcake toppers

Pencil with Owl toppers for boys

Owl hairclips for girls

The Happy Family

The Post-Party Meltdown

And on a side note, Christmas in July got me thinking, only five more months to the real Christmas, which is by far my most favourite time of the year! Can’t wait to start on some designs for Photo Christmas Cards and personalised Chrissy Pressy tags!

***And if anybody was particularly observant and noticed that the day and time of this post does not match what I have wrote, then yep, wrote the post last night and Willow woke up and needed “Mumma” to go back to sleep. So turning two obviously hasn’t helped her sleeping habits and things still don’t always go to plan. And now we are off to another 2nd birthday party!


Emma said...

very cute. love the party bag and cupcake toppers. and the pencil tops are so so cute. good job kisha.

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