Friday, February 4, 2011

30 before 30

I am jumping on the 30 before 30 list bandwagon! With a little more time, money and 2 less children this list would have been sooooo exciting and adventurous. But with a little under 12 months left, zero dollars and my girls in tow, it is a tad tame! But here it is, and I think I might just be able to do it!

1. Learn how to use my camera
2. Plant a vege garden (and maybe some flowers too)
3. Drink a whole bottle of wine (am pretty sure I have done this many a time in a past life that didn’t involve children, but it is still on the list)
4. Go to the theatre in Melbourne
5. Make some cakepops ala bakerella
6. Complete my photo a day challenge
7. Get a teaching contract for 1 day a week
8. Go to a trivia night at a pub
9. Read a classic Jane Austin novel
10. Do a Zumba class
11. Wear a fancy hat to a high tea in a garden
12. Attend a charity night
13. Take a photo of a sunrise and a sunset over sea on the same day
14. Make a will
15. Walk a 10k fun run (and run a little too)
16. Create a dessert table that is featured on one of my favourite party blogs
17. Learn to play a tune on the Ukulele
18. Finish a new little crafty project
19. Visit a psychic
20. Try to surf
21. Go somewhere in Tassie I have never been
22. Book in for a luxurious spa treatment
23. Go to Ikea
24. Eat something incredible that I have never tried before
25. Hit a golf ball (a real long hit, I’m not talking put put here!)
26. Have a ride in a hot air balloon
27. Try to snowboard
28. Spend my 30th birthday somewhere fab with my family and friends
29. Do a course in photoshop
30. Replace the wall of photos of Willow (otherwise known as the Shrine to Willow) with photos a little more representative of us as a family

So, HELP! If there is anything on this list that you could give me a hand with PLEASE le me know. Leave me a comment here or on my FB link. I would love you forever


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